is powered by Qonzer! Check them out for the ultimate game server hosting experience.
This plugin lets you activate a maintenance mode on your server, which will prevent players without a permission to join the server.
Has support for LuckPerms permissions
If you dont have it installed, will allow to these who listed in Administrators
section of SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg
# Enables maintenance mode.
maintenance-enabled: false
# Any extra commands inside the arrays will be executed when maintenance is enabled/disabled.
# Example: commands-on-maintenance-enable: ["say hello!", "stop"]
commands-on-maintenance-enable: []
commands-on-maintenance-disable: []
# If set to true, the world name for the servers list from this pool will be chosen.
# If you put in multiple entries, one of them will be chosen randomly on every ping.
# If running an endtimer, the time left can be displayed by including {duration} in the message.
# Additionally you can set custom timestamp format with {duration:hh\\:mm\\:\\ss}. See all available formats at
enable-world-message: true
# - "Back in {duration:hh\\:mm}"
# Set this to false if you do not want players to be kicked when you enable maintenance (new connections will still be blocked).
# ... I don't know why you would want that, but you can disable it. :p
kick-online-players: true
# Changes the language of command feedback/messages.
# If you find missing translations or want to contribute a new language file, you are very welcome to message me on my Discord server! :)
# Currently available are: en (English)
language: en
# If enabled and the server is restarted while running an endtimer, the timer will be continued after the restart.
# If the timer ends while the server is offline, maintenance will be disabled as soon as the server starts again.
continue-endtimer-after-restart: true
# If using the timer command: In what intervals before enabling/disabling maintenance there will be a broadcast.
timer-broadcast-for-seconds: [1200, 900, 600, 300, 120, 60, 30, 20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
maintenanceActivated: "Maintenance mode is now activated."
maintenanceDeactivated: "Maintenance mode is now deactivated."
alreadyEnabled: "Maintenance is already enabled!"
alreadyDisabled: "Maintenance is already disabled!"
endtimerBroadcast: "Maintenance mode will be disabled in {duration}."
endtimerStarted: "Started timer: Maintenance mode will be deactivated in {duration}."
starttimerBroadcast: "Maintenance mode will be enabled in {time}."
starttimerStarted: "Started timer: Maintenance mode will be activated in {time}."
scheduletimerBroadcast: "Maintenance mode will be enabled in {time} and will last for {duration}."
timerAlreadyRunning: "There is already a timer scheduled!"
timerNotRunning: "There is currently no running timer."
timerCancelled: "The current timer has been disabled."
timerTooLong: "The number has to be less than 40320 (28 days)!"
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