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Extends original game block limits to make that feature a viable option.
Configuration file is available in Instance\zlimits\config.yml
it has all properties documented for the ease of use.
Default config for reference:
# if true, will sync built count of limited blocks across all nexus sectors
# note: currently is not tested and will not work
nexusSync: false
# true if you want to limit maximum PCU per grid
limitGridsPcu: false
# maximum PCU per grid type (if limitGridsPcu is true)
largeGridPcu: 16000
smallGridPcu: 6000
# if set to true, each block in projection will cost 1 PCU toward grid having the projector block (default game behavior)
countProjectionPcu: true
# name - the display name of the limit group
# handler - the handler of the limit group
# PerPlayer - the limit is applied per player and shows like the original game limits
# PerGrid - the limit is applied per grid and can be checked by !limits grid
# PerFaction - the limit is applied per faction and shows like the original game limits but same numbers for all faction members
# note: additional handlers can be added in the future or via plugin API
# max - the maximum limit of blocks that can be placed
# items - the list of blocks that will count towards the limit group (block pair name, same as original game limits)
# - name: Production
# handler: PerPlayer
# max: 6
# items:
# - Refinery
# - Assembler
# - RefineryIndustrial
# - AssemblerIndustrial
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