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Physics calculations on dynamic grids cost the server many times more than there station counterparts. Use this plugin convert inactive grids to station mode and help preserve simspeed. This supports for gravity, as well as allowing subgrids to be ignored (Wheels, Solar Arrays, etc)
Enable - The plugin will not convert any grids when disabled.
Show Grid Names In Log - Shows the grid name of the converted grid.
Show Owner Names In Log - Adds the owner of the converted grid to the above mentioned log.
Delay Start in Minutes - How long between the server starting and the AutoConvert starting.
Frequency in Minutes - How often to check and convert grids to station mode.
Minutes Offline - How long a player needs to be offline before his grids are able to be converted.
Convert Grids In Gravity - This will convert grids in gravity when enabled. ** This could cause problems for players whos grids are converted in voxels.
Track Grids When enabled - Allows players to use team member grids without fear it will convert to station mode as long as the grid is not in the same place across 2 conversion runs. ** The cost to track grids is extremely minimal.
Ignore subgrids in Space - Subgrids such as solar arrays on rotors would not be converted to station mode.
Ignore subgrids in Gravity - Subgrids such as !!!wheels!!! would not be converted to station mode... If your a planet loving adming.. I recommend you check this if your converting grids in gravity.
Admin Commands
<!AS About> Gives basic information about this plugin.
<!AS ForceRun> Forces the AutoConvert to check and convert grids.
<!AS ForceAll_ADMIN> Forces ALL grids to convert to station mode. This will stop every grid regardless if large or small grid and gravity.
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