Often I found myself in the position to have a quick overview of players of a certain faction. Like their Entity-IDs or Steam-IDs as well as the date the server last had contact with them.
So this plugin does exactly that. It adds a command where you can list all players your world has ever seen and allow for some filtering and sorting.
Also checking and adjusting Players Reputation with certain factions is a bit unpleasant to do in space master and takes long. especially if you want to do big changes that affect a whole faction.
For that the plugin offers commands too.
- !listplayers [-online] [-players] [-faction=<FactionTag>] [-orderby=<name|date|faction|pcu|blocks>]
- Lists all Players. If -online is used, only online Players are shown
- if -players is used, all NPCs are ignored
- if -npcs is used, all Players are ignored
- if -faction=<Tag> is used, only players of said faction are used. To see players without faction just leave the tag empty.
- if -orderby=<name|date|faction|pcu|blocks> is used players are ordered ascending by name, faction tag or date.
- if -filter=0lt;name|date|faction|pcu|blocks><<, <=, >, >=, =, !=><Attribute> is used the list is filtered accordintly.
A combination of several -orderby and -filter is possible to do multiplayer sorting and fine filtering.
You can combine multiple of parameters like -players -online -orderby=faction
Commands for Reputation
- !reputation list player <playername>
- Lists the Reputation one Player has with every Faction on the server.
- !reputation list faction <factionTag>
- Lists the Reputation one Faction has with every Player on the server.
- !reputation list factions <factionTag>
- Lists the Reputation one Faction has with every Faction on the server.
- !reputation change player <playername> <factionTag> <reputationDelta>
- Adds the given reputation between the given player and faction. It can be negative to remove reputation.
- !reputation change faction <factionTag1> <factionTag2> <reputationDelta>
- Adds the given reputation of all players from faction 1 to faction 2. It can be negative to remove reputation.
- !reputation set player <playername> <factionTag> <reputation>
- Sets the given reputation between the given player and faction.
- !reputation set playerallfactions <playername> <reputation>
- Sets the given reputation between the given player and all factions.
- !reputation set faction <factionTag1> <factionTag2> <reputation>
- Sets the given reputation of all players from faction 1 to faction 2.
- !reputation set factionallplayers <factionTag> <reputation>
- Sets the given reputation of all players with passed on faction.
- !reputation set allreputations <reputation>
- Sets the given reputation of all players with all factions
- !reputation reset
- Sets reputation between player and players factions back to -1000
- Sets reputation of players with NPC only faction back to 0
- Sets reputation of players with SPRT, SPID, CORRUPT and REAVER back to -1000 (other modded factions are set to 0, and need to be fixed manually)
- Sets reputation of all players who are in SPRT, SPID, CORRUPT and REAVERS with every other faction back to -1000
- Sets reputation of players in NPC faction towards each other back to -1000
- Sets reputation of players in NPC faction towards player factions back to 0
- !listplayers -filter=blocks<500 -filter=pcu>2000 -orderby=faction -orderby=name -players
- !listplayers -filter=blocks<500 -npcs
- !listplayers -online -filter=blocks>1000
- !listplayers -filter=date>=10
- Only shows people who have logged in within the last 10 days. Alternatively you can use <10 which will only show people offline for longer than 10 days.
See here