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EconV3 now has default setup for contracts
Simply install EconV3, set this to true in the Config.xml
If using nexus configure the folder to use a shared one
Then simply restart the server and keen stations will have new contracts, if nexus is installed the keen hauling contracts will be removed
All prices are configured in Prices.json All contracts are configured in DefaultContracts.json
By default only Mining, Item Hauling and Gas Hauling are added
Contracts are compiled at runtime allowing you to edit the defaults or create your own. Contracts can be assigned to Keen NPC stations or custom stations.
Station logics are also compiled at runtime, meaning you can make stations do anything, manage stores, spawn items, manage safezones, spawn NPCs, etc
Contracts and logics have access to MES API and AI enabled API, if the APIs work i have no idea
Economy version3, custom contracts, customisable scripts for contracts and station management
General commands
!crunchecon reload - reload config files, reset contract block timers, etc
!crunchecon compile - recompile the scripts in the scripts folder
!crunchecon addlogic stationName LogicName
!crunchecon addcontract contractFileName ContractConfigName
!crunchecon list - list all logic and contract names
!crunchecon toggle - pauses the plugins update loop
To test new/edited scripts, compile then reload