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Some useful commands for admins and players
config stuff
<ShowFactionTagsOnDamageGrid>true</ShowFactionTagsOnDamageGrid> - Gives a notification when attacking a grid showing the faction tag of the grid owner
<LogFactionStuff>true</LogFactionStuff> - logs almost everything faction related
<EconomyChangesInLog>true</EconomyChangesInLog> - log identity account balance changes
<LogNeutralsDamagingEachOther>true</LogNeutralsDamagingEachOther> - log neutral factions attacking each other
<PcuCountShowProjPCU>true</PcuCountShowProjPCU> - show pcu from projections in the !pcucount command, dont disable this unless you know what you are doing
<EcoChatMessages>true</EcoChatMessages> - send players chat messages when their balance changes
<ScrapMetalPatch>true</ScrapMetalPatch> - stop scrap metal spawning on block destruction
<FixTradeStation>true</FixTradeStation> - !fixstation command, delete duplicate economy stations around player
<PlayerMakeShip>true</PlayerMakeShip> - !convert command
<DeleteStone>true</DeleteStone> - !stone command
<EcoWithdrawMax>2147483647</EcoWithdrawMax> - maximum for !eco withdraw
<DeleteStoneAuto>true</DeleteStoneAuto> - naming a drill !stone to prevent it picking up stone
<Withdraw>true</Withdraw> - !eco withdraw
<facInfo>true</facInfo> - !facinfo
<PlayerEcoPay>true</PlayerEcoPay> - !eco pay
<Deposit>true</Deposit> - !eco deposit
<RespawnCooldownInSeconds>1200</RespawnCooldownInSeconds> - cooldown for !fixrespawn
!crunch reload - Reload the config
!worldpcu - outputs the worlds pcu, no idea how accurate this is
!cleargrid - empties all inventories in the grid you look at
!removebody <name> - this might delete all of that players bodies, might not
!gridtype <name> - output what the grid is
!getfacid <tag> - output the fac id
!broadcast <message> <name> <r> <g> <b> <true/false>
!admin makestation - Convert the ship and connected grid you are looking at to station
!admin makeship - Convert the station and connected grid you are looking at to ship
!admin rename oldname newname - rename a grid
!eco balance <player/faction> <name/tag> - Shows a players balance
!eco resetplayer <playernameorid> - Set a players balance to 0
!eco resetfac <tag> - Set a factions balance to 0
!eco give <player/faction> <name/tag> amount
!eco take <player/faction> <name/tag> amount
!eco - Lists economy commands, these also work on NPCs!
!faction rep change <source tag> <target tag> <amount> - Change repuation between factions
!player rep change <player name> <target tag> <amount> -Change repuation between faction and player
!giveitem <playername> <Ore/Ingot/Component> <subtype name> <amount> <true> - Give target player an item, will give a nato magazine if the name you provide isnt valid - Last parameter is optional for force adding the item to inventory
!getsteamid name - output targets steam id
!listids - output all online players steam IDs and names
!removebody name - deletes the body
!facinfo tag - List faction information
!facinfo playername - List faction information
!facinfo tag true - same but with member list
!sendpeace tag - send a peace request to faction with that tag
!declarewar tag - declare war on faction with that tag
!convert - Convert to / from station if player or faction owns the grid
!rename <gridname> <newname> - Renames a grid if the player or faction owns it
!stone - Delete all stone in the grid
!fixme - Kill and delete the player with a bugged body then disconnect them
!eco pay <faction/player> <name/tag> amount
!eco deposit - Deposits all space credits in grids containers if they are owned or shared
!eco withdraw <amount> - Withdraws amount of space credits to grid storage if there is room.
!listnames - Lists players with mismatching names
!claim - Claim ownership of a grid if its shared and over the percentage required
!fixrespawn - removes respawn status of a respawn ship
!fac search input - searches faction tags and names for the input
!tags - online players with their fac tags
!sellgrid amount - Send an offer to sell the grid to a player within 20m if the grid is owned.
!acceptgrid - accepts the grid if they can afford it, transfers ownership and transfers the moneys
!denygrid - denies the offer
Most player commands are disabled by default, enable them in the CrunchUtils.xml file and use the reload command or restart the server to enable
Source Github
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