Log Login and Logout dates and Data like PCU Faction Blocks etc. for Players and allows to use commands to read them ingame or via discord bridge.
- !connectlog admin save
- Manually saves the log to disc.
- !connectlog admin logoutall
- Adds logout information for all logged in players.
- !connectlog admin wipe all
- !connectlog admin wipe all
- Deletes all world data, as well as sessions. Keeps total play time.
- !connectlog admin wipe sessions
- Deletes all Session Data but keeps the last login data and playtimes
- !connectlog admin reload
- Reloads the file from the file system back into your server,
- !connectlog admin open
- Lists all open Sessions (including logged in players).
- !connectlog admin fix
- Fixes all open Sessions (excluding currently logged in players).
- !connectlog top [top=10]
- Same as !connectlog top world
- !connectlog top world [top=10]
- Shows the top X players by playtime in world
- !connectlog top total [top=10]
- Shows the top X players by playtime on server
- !connectlog playtime <Playername or SteamID>
- Lists the playtimes for the specified player.
- !connectlog ips <Playername or SteamID>
- Lists all IPs the specified player has connected from.
- !connectlog names <Playername or SteamID>
- Lists all names the player has connected with.
- !connectlog sessions <Playername or SteamID>
- Lists session information of the player.
- !connectlog find <Player Name Pattern>
- Supports wildcards (*), looks up IDs etc. for players matching the pattern.
- !connectlog multis [show IPs (true|false)]
- Displays Players that connected from the same IP.
- !connectlog sus [marginOfErrorPcu=0] [ignoreDays=0] [ignoreNoIdentity=true]
- Shows suspicious players, which have now much higher PCU than when they last logged in.
- !connectlog online date [day] [month] [year]
- Displays Players that connected on the given date.
- !connectlog online time [hour] [minute] [second] [day] [month] [year]
- Displays Players that were online at the given date and time.
- !connectlog status [showIPs = false]
- Show Playtimes for the executing player (can be used by everyone)